Down Gaelic Athletic Association
Down Gaelic Athletic Association
2b Sand Lane,
BT30 8DL
United Kingdom
Down GAA is one of the 32 county boards of the GAA in Ireland and one of the 9 based in Ulster. The Down County GAA Committee (Down GAA) oversees and manages the business of the GAA in County Down. It provides strategic direction and support for the County's 48 GAA Clubs and organises a number of County-wide activities and initiatives
Down GAA has an active and robust presence in every part of the County and has a proven track record of operating at the heart of local communities for the whole of family, for the whole of life – a community driven amateur phenomenon. Clubs are rooted in local parishes/communities and therefore place and where people are from persist as key GAA drivers.
Down GAA has circa 25,000 members playing Gaelic Games and participating in activities of the Association throughout the County. On the field Down has been one of the most successful Counties in Ulster. From its first All-Ireland Senior Football win in 1960 Down went on to win further All Ireland Senior titles in 1961, 1968, 1991 and 1994.
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- Steven Trainor