Disability Sport NI

Disability Sport NI

Unit G, Curlew Pavilion
Portside Business Park
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Anita O'Connor

Opening Hours

The office is open from 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday - Friday.

Disability Sport NI is the main charity in Northern Ireland working with children, young people and adults with a disability who would like to get involved and take part in recreational and performance sport and physical recreation.

The most important part of Disability Sport NI’s work is the development of regular participation opportunities for people with disabilities, ideally in their local area. We currently do this in the following ways:
Community events programme: Disability Sport NI runs a series of community events each year where people with disabilities can take part in fun but competitive sporting events in a range of sports including Boccia, New Age Kurling, Athletics and Aerobics.

Inclusive leisure project: This Sport NI Lottery funded project, is a partnership between Disability Sport NI and Fermanagh District Council concerned with the development of local participation opportunities for people with disabilities in the council area.
Active communities programme: This Sport NI funded, District Council managed programme has from April 2010 seen a network of Disability Sport NI Inclusive Community Coaches deployed in five different areas of Northern Ireland developing grassroots sports opportunities for people with disabilities and their non-disabled peers.
Supporting local groups and programmes: Disability Sport NI also supports a number of Sport NI funded community sports projects throughout Northern Ireland. We provide support, advice and training to these groups on how to successfully include people with disabilities in their programmes.

Disability Sport NI also works closely with Sport Northern Ireland and key Governing Bodies of Sport to ensure that our most talented disabled sports people have the same opportunity as non-disabled sports people to train, compete and excel in their chosen sport.

Disability Sport NI also represents Northern Ireland on key UK performance sports organisations, including the British Paralympic Association. We also maintain close links with key Irish disability sports organisations.

Disability Sport NI also provides a sport facility access audit & advice service, designed to encourage and support the development of sports facilities which are fully inclusive of people with disabilities. We also work closely with Sport Northern Ireland to ensure that all Sport NI funded sports facilities meet optimum levels of good practice, in relation to inclusive use by people with disabilities.

Disability Sport NI also runs a variety of training and sports leadership courses, all designed to provide coaches, sports leaders, club administrators, leisure services staff and teachers with the knowledge and practical skills they require to successfully include people with disabilities in sports and recreation programmes. Disability Sport NI currently runs courses which involve over 500 participants annually.

Disability Sport NI's Content


Disability Sport NI

Disability Sport NI Junior Paralympic Fun Day. Date: Saturday 1st June 2019 Venue: Antrim Forum Time: 10am - 4pm Cost: FREE
01 June 2019
Local club cartwheels to victory winning Disability Sport NI's, 'Inclusive Club Award.'

Disability Sport NI

Disability Sport NI proudly presented Rathgael Gymnastics and Tumbling Club with the Inclusive Club Award for the mainstream club category.

Local club sails to victory winning Disability Sport NI’s ‘Inclusive Club Award’.

Disability Sport NI

Disability Sport NI proudly presented Belfast Lough Sailability with the Inclusive Club Award for the disability clubs category.

Disability Sport NI launch Supporting Inclusive Clubs Award

Disability Sport NI

Disability Sport NI’s Supporting Inclusive Clubs Award is a fantastic opportunity to recognise and celebrate sports clubs that positively include people with disabilities in the club environment.


Disability Sport NI

Leading local charity, Disability Sport NI has unveiled a 'new look' brand to highlight its work championing access to sport and physical recreation for local people with disabilities.

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  • Anita O'Connor