Disability Sport NI launch Supporting Inclusive Clubs Award

Disability Sport NI launch Supporting Inclusive Clubs Award

Disability Sport NI’s Supporting Inclusive Clubs Award is a fantastic opportunity to recognise and celebrate sports clubs that positively include people with disabilities in the club environment.

Nominations are open to both mainstream and disability sports clubs who have made noteworthy improvements or introduced innovative programmes to include people with disabilities in the last 12months.

Nominations are open to clubs who:

  • Have a club constitution in place and are operating under good governance.
  • Are affiliated to the relevant National Governing Body where appropriated.

Award Category

Nominations will be assessed by a panel and Awards will be presented under the following two categories:

  • Mainstream Club Award
  • Disability Club Award


Nomination forms can be downloaded from the Disability Sport NI website http://dsni.co.uk/news/supporting-inclusive-clubs-award. Alternative formats are availble upon request by contacting Disability Sport NI.

Nominations can be made by club officials, coaches, parents or club members.  Completed nomination forms should be submitted before 4pm on Friday 24th February 2017 to the following:

Elaine Reid, Performance Sport Manager, Disability Sport NI, Portside Business Park, 189 Airport Road West, Belfast, BT3 9ED or email ereid@dsni.co.uk.


Last updated 8 years 1 month ago