Dialogue For Diversity
Dialogue For Diversity
The Community Centre
Dobbin Street
BT61 7QQ
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Brian Lennon,
Dialogue For Diversity
The Community Centre
Dobbin Street
Armagh BT61 7QQ
Northern Ireland.
Tel: +44 38 37 99 8509
Email: info@dialoguefordiversity.org
Advice services Community development Community relations Education/training Race/ethnicityServices
Dialogue among Divided Groups Support for Ex-Prisoners Support and Encourage positive climate and bio-diversity projects by local communitiesAudience
Addiction (drug/solvent/alcohol abuse/gambling) Ethnic minorities Ex-offenders and prisoners Interface communities
Dialogue for Diversity was set up in by Irish and British Jesuits and people from other churches to develop respect and esteem for all groups in society, especially the marginalized.
We currently have three projects: Community Support for newly-released prisoners, the Dialogue Project which brings together people from divided groups for difficult conversations, and ACRE (Active Communities Restoring the Earth) which is based on the values of Laudato Si', documents of other churches on climate, and the work of scientists. Its aim is to work with community groups to develop positive responses to the climateand bio-diversity crisis.
Dialogue For Diversity's Content
More Information
Type of Organisation
DFDCompany Number
NI609868NI Charity Number
- Brian Lennon