The Churches Trust Ltd

The Churches Trust Ltd

11 Limavady Road
BT47 6JU
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Fiona Fagan

Opening Hours

9am to 5pm Monday - Friday

The Churches Trust was founded by the Leaders of the mainstream churches over 20 years ago in response to a recognition of the level of deprivation in the area and the necessity to work together to provide essential services to those in need.

The Churches Trust (CT) was founded by the leaders of the mainstream churches over 20 years ago who recognised the level of deprivation in the area and the need for a united response to provide much needed services. Since then the remit of CT has been changed and expanded to reach out to those in greatest need; those experiencing food poverty, the unemployed, the elderly, individuals and families disadvantaged through low education attainment and low income levels. 
CT operates in the North West area but predominantly in Derry~Londonderry.  We work with people who experience social isolation, poverty and deprivation.  CT has made a significant difference to the lives of the people in the Derry~Londonderry area through the following projects and activities:
•               The Pantry Project – a foodbank service provided to people in crisis and experiencing food poverty.  Food donations are generated through community giving (churches, schools, colleges). We work in collaboration with community hubs who work intensively to address the underlying root cause of the crises and signpost people to appropriate services.  The Pantry Project was established three years ago and was the first cross community official foodbank in the area. 
•               Low level care to older people across the City.  The service is designed to address isolation and promote independence in the home. 
•               Maintenance/Handyperson service provided at low cost, affordable rates targeting low income families and individuals in areas of deprivation.  The service includes cleaning, decluttering, gardening, decorating, guttering, grave maintenance – in summary those tasks that are difficult to source from mainstream maintenance services but that significantly enhance the mental health and well-being of those in receipt of the service. 
•               Training and skills development for unemployed people – working with those who are marginalised, face multiple barriers to work, and who are furthest away from the work place.  The level of deprivation in Derry is compounded by 3rd~4th~and 5th generational unemployment.  Our niche has been working with people with multiple barriers, empowering them with a sense of self belief and stimulating an interest in ‘wanting more’ for themselves and the generations of the future. 
•               Twice But Nice charity shop. Our office location and charity shop is situated near some of the most deprived wards in Northern Ireland.  Whilst the shop generates income that supports some of our under-funded  projects, it is more importantly recognised as an unsung social service where local people from any faith tradition come in to find support and friendship – for some their main social interaction of the day. 
The greatest achievement that CT is proud of today is that it transcends all communities.  CT has engaged in a range of diverse projects both as a provider of services that address deprivation but also projects that open doors for greater community relations.  CT provides practical evidence of how churches can work together for the greater good of the whole community and for a shared and better future for all

The Churches Trust Ltd's Services

Older People - Low intervention care, outreach and tele-support // Young people - personal development programmes

The Churches Trust Ltd

121 Spencer Road Derry~Londonderry BT47 6AE

COVID-19 Service

The Churches Trust Ltd's Content

Job | Temporary

Temporary Administrator

The Churches Trust Ltd

Based on Experience
Job | Part Time

Finance and Project Administration Officer - Columba Journey Project (and other interfaith projects) - Two year fixed-term contract.

The Churches Trust Ltd

£10,708 pro rata (£26,769 Full time equivalent – 10 hours funded through PEACEPLUS: 5 hours funded through the Benefact Trust)
Job | Full Time

Project Coordinator - Columba Journey Project (and other interfaith projects) - Two year fixed-term contract.

The Churches Trust Ltd

£29,663 (30 hours funded through PEACEPLUS: 7.5 hours funded through the Benefact Trust)
Job | Part Time

Health Equalities Coordinator

The Churches Trust Ltd

Job | Part Time

Youth Worker

The Churches Trust Ltd


More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Fiona Fagan
  • Laura Brown