Campaign For a Fair Society

United Kingdom

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Ivanka Antova

Campaign For a Fair Society is a non-profit conglomerate of organisations and individuals working together to alleviate the impact of the welfare cuts on disabled people and campaigning to end the discrimination against disabled citizens.

More than £7 billion of the government’s £27 billion cuts will be borne by less than 2% of the population – the most vulnerable. These are unfair cuts.

The Campaign For a Fair Society will protest against these cuts and show that there is an alternative.

The Campaign wants power and control to shift from government to citizens, families and communities. But we don’t want the government’s ‘Big Society’ if that means a loss of basic human rights and unfair cuts focused on the most vulnerable. We want a fair society.

A fair society sees each of its members as a full citizen – a unique person with a life of their own. A fair society is organised to support everyone to live a full life that has meaning and respect.

The Campaign launched its Manifesto at the House of Lords on 12 March 2012.

The Manifesto:

  • says that the government’s cuts are unfair – they target disabled people and those living in poverty
  • explains how the cuts are inefficient – they will create more crises and new costs
  • shows how the government could do things differently
  • makes eight proposals for a fairer society.


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Campaign For a Fair Society

The Campaign For a Fair Society has a Northern Irish steering group open to all interested organisations and like-minded individuals, committed to highlighting the unfairness of the welfare cuts and campaigning for a better welfare politics.

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