Campaign For a Fair Society has a Northern Irish steering group!

The Campaign For a Fair Society has a Northern Irish steering group open to all interested organisations and like-minded individuals, committed to highlighting the unfairness of the welfare cuts and campaigning for a better welfare politics.

The Campaign For a Fair Society (CFFS) is a UK-wide group of charities and committed individuals, who are working together to offer an alternative to the unfair, inefficient and damaging welfare budget cuts.

CFFS's message is simple: the welfare budget cuts target disproportionally disabled people and their families and do very little for the protection and promotion of their equality and human rights. The Campaign's Manifesto offers an alternative to the rigid welfare reform, an alternative based on the principles of independence, dignity, equality and human rights.

CFFS now has a Northern Irish steering group, which is open to all organisations and individuals, who want to work together and campaign for a more fair approach to the welfare reform.

You can follow us on Facebook ( , Twitter (@CFFSNI) and on our website (

Stay tuned for upcoming news, events and campaigns!



Last updated 12 years ago