CALMS (Community Action for Locally Managing Stress)
CALMS (Community Action for Locally Managing Stress)
10 Northland Road
BT48 7JD
United Kingdom
It is a grass roots cross community project designed to address the emotional, physical and psychological needs of identified groups/individuals. The project comprises a range of interwoven strands that provide an holistic response to all individuals experiencing post traumatic stress disorder, stress, anxiety, depression, suicidal impulses and feelings of hopelessness.
The services and programmes provided include stress management, relaxation therapy, one to one support, befriending, social therapy, complementary therapies/approaches, counselling, listening- ear, direct and by phone, art therapies, social therapy and welfare rights/advice.
In 2004 a youth forum “Move It” was set up comprising young adults aged 15 to 25 years and many creative and innovative programmes/services have been designed and delivered. C.A.L.M.S aims and objectives.
CALMS (Community Action for Locally Managing Stress)'s Services
CALMS (Community Action for Locally Managing Stress)'s Content
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- Elaine Power