
1.25 million people in the UK have an Eating Disorder. People can be of all ages, genders and backgrounds - Eating Disorders do not discriminate. Beat provides support for both those with an Eating Disorder and their Carers, whose lives are turned upside down when caring for someone with these illnesses. We also provide training for professionals, to ensure that as many people as possible have an understanding of these devastating illnesses and how to help.

Beat is there for both those with an Eating Disorder and for Carers:

Support for those with an Eating Disorder:

Helpline: Open 9am-midnight and 4pm-midnight on bank holidays and weekends.  

- Our dedicated staff can support you by listening and signposting you to the most appropriate places.


Online Support Groups:

Dove - over 25's support group

Phoenix - young people's support group

The Nest - general group for all with an Eating Disorder

Kingfisher - Bulimia support

Nightingale - Binge Eating Disorder support

Swan - Anorexia support

Osprey - Men's support group


Support for Carers:


This is a 1-1 telephone coaching service.  It comprises of 12 phone calls over 12-15 weeks with a support officer.  It looks at how to support your loved one with their Eating Disorder.


Raising Resilience

This is group support for carers.  It comprises of a series of online workshops, live over zoom.  There are 5 workshops of 2 1/2 hours each.  Throughout the programme you will receive a pack of information to support you.  This programme is supported by the Northern Ireland Carers Fund.



This is a video based support group, hosted over Zoom. It usually runs over an 8-week block.  It offers you the time to share feelings and get support from others that are in a similar situation.  




Beat's Services

Beat Eating Disorder Charity


Beat's Content

Online / Virtual Training/Advice


Endeavour is a peer support group for parents and carers of children and young people aged 5-15, with an ARFID (Avoidance/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) diagnosis and/or displaying ARFID behaviours and presentations.
12 September - 31 October 202416 September - 04 November 202425 September - 13 November 2024
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


A free video based training workshop for anyone caring in a personal capacity for someone with an eating disorder. Along with others who are caring for someone with an eating disorder, you’ll learn new skills from an experienced eating disorder clinician. Provides a working knowledge of eating disorders and how they impact the brain and influence your loved one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. This project is funded by the NI Carers’ Support Fund.
18 June - 16 July 202426 June - 24 July 202411 July - 08 August 202403 September - 01 October 202412 September - 10 October 202423 September - 21 October 2024
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


Harnessing Hope is a carer skills workshop for anyone supporting a loved one who has had an eating disorder for more than five years. The workshop will cover topics including developing and maintaining hope, the impact of starvation, accommodating & enabling behaviours, and coping with setbacks, amongst others. The workshop will also equip you with skills needed to support your loved one and yourself while you navigate this difficult time. You can read more about it on our website here:…
11 July - 08 August 2024
Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop


Harnessing Hope is a carer skills workshop for anyone supporting a loved one who has had an eating disorder for more than five years. The workshop will cover topics including developing and maintaining hope, the impact of starvation, accommodating & enabling behaviours, and coping with setbacks, amongst others. The workshop will also equip you with skills needed to support your loved one and yourself while you navigate this difficult time. You can read more about it on our website here:… You can attend Harnessing Hope if:  Your loved one has had an eating disorder consistently for five years or more  Your loved one is aged 18 or above  Your loved one has a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder Harnessing Hope will run for 2.5 hours over a 5-week period. It is important that you commit to all five sessions to make the most out of the workshop. The sessions will be delivered over zoom and will run on the same day, at the same time, each week.
03 - 31 October 202323 January - 20 February 2024
Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop


A free video based training workshop for anyone caring in a personal capacity for someone with an eating disorder. Along with others who are caring for someone with an eating disorder, you’ll learn new skills from an experienced eating disorder clinician. Helps you look at what you can do practically to support your loved one - for example, stress management at mealtimes. This project is funded by the NI Carers’ Support Fund.
05 September - 03 October 202309 September - 07 October 202312 September - 10 October 202318 September - 16 October 202312 October - 09 November 202318 October - 15 November 202326 October - 23 November 202316 January - 13 February 202425 January - 22 February 202412 February - 11 March 202406 March - 03 April 202419 March - 16 April 202422 February - 21 March 202409 September - 07 October 2024
Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop


A free video based training workshop for anyone caring in a personal capacity for someone with an eating disorder. Along with others who are caring for someone with an eating disorder, you’ll learn new skills from an experienced eating disorder clinician. Provides a working knowledge of eating disorders and how they impact the brain and influence your loved one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. This project is funded by the NI Carers’ Support Fund.
06 September - 04 October 202314 September - 12 October 202321 September - 19 October 202309 October - 06 November 202320 October - 17 November 202324 October - 21 November 202330 October - 27 November 202317 January - 14 February 202426 January - 23 February 202429 January - 26 February 202408 February - 07 March 202413 February - 12 March 202421 February - 20 March 202427 February - 26 March 202414 March - 11 April 202418 March - 15 April 202423 March - 20 April 202427 March - 24 April 2024
Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop


A free video based training workshop for anyone caring in a personal capacity for someone with an eating disorder. Along with others who are caring for someone with an eating disorder, you’ll learn new skills from an experienced eating disorder clinician. Provides a working knowledge of eating disorders and how they impact the brain and influence your loved one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. This project is funded by the NI Carers’ Support Fund.
07 June - 05 July 202329 June - 27 July 202306 July - 03 August 202318 July - 15 August 202318 July - 15 August 202322 July - 19 August 202327 July - 24 August 2023
Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop


A free video based training workshop for anyone caring in a personal capacity for someone with an eating disorder. Along with others who are caring for someone with an eating disorder, you’ll learn new skills from an experienced eating disorder clinician. Helps you look at what you can do practically to support your loved one - for example, stress management at mealtimes. This project is funded by the NI Carers’ Support Fund.
02 - 30 June 202313 July - 10 August 202324 July - 21 August 2023
Online / Virtual Training/Advice Workshop


Raising Resilience is a series of online workshops for carers. Along with others caring for someone with an eating disorder, you’ll learn new skills from an experienced eating disorder clinician. This project is funded by the NI Carers' Support Fund.
10 May - 07 June 202318 May - 08 June 202325 May - 22 June 2023
Online / Virtual


Developing Dolphins is a free online training course for anyone caring in a personal capacity for someone with disordered eating, based on the principles of the New Maudsley method developed by leading expert Professor Janet Treasure. Learning online over five weekday evenings or Saturday mornings, you’ll find out more about eating disorders, gain an understanding of the driving forces behind them, and learn some techniques to help your loved one in recovery and look after your own wellbeing. Developing Dolphins is delivered by clinicians who work directly with people with eating disorders. This course is kindly funded by the Department of Health's NI Carers' Support Fund, through the Community Foundation.
29 March - 26 April 202308 May - 05 June 202309 May - 06 June 202313 May - 10 June 2023

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Type of Organisation



  • Vicky Culliton
  • Sue Sparks
  • Becky Hall
  • Kerry Coull
  • Nicola Armstrong
  • Ashley Pye