Trustees' Week 2020
Trustees need to be supported to carry out their roles as they carry a significant responsibility from their positions. This year for Trustees’ Week NICVA have a range of free webinars that are focused on helping trustees to understand their role within the governance of an organisation.
So if you’re a Trustee or thinking of becoming a Trustee then please sign up to some of the sessions below which are being delivered by various presenters from the Charity Commission, NICVA, Developing Governance Group and Business in the Community.
Mon 2 Nov What does being a charity trustee mean?
Tues 3 Nov Governance for new, or nearly new, Trustees
Wed 4 Nov The Code of good governance in a virtual world
Thurs 5 Nov What makes a great board and how to get involved
Fri 6 Nov Trustee Annual Reporting