Developing our approaches to blended working - webinar series
COVID-19 forced many of our organisations to change our working practices in a very short space of time and introduce new ways of working so we could continue to deliver services as effectively and safely as possible. Within days of the first lockdown being announced, many of our staff within the sector had transitioned to remote working.
While the pandemic has presented us with significant challenges, it has also presented us with opportunities and we have seen an unprecedented shift in how many of us work with many services now being delivered remotely. It is important that we learn from what is working well and what is not and pave a way forward with a more flexible approach.
As restrictions begin to ease you may be thinking about returning to your workplace even on a part time basis. Join us for a conversation on how we might develop our approaches to blended working. We will highlight the latest advice on working safely in our place of work as well as highlighting the key considerations employers should give to a blended approach between home working and the office.
Tuesday 8th June 3.00pm – 4.30pm Approaches to Blended Working | NICVA
Wednesday 9th June 10.30am – 12.00pm Approaches to Blended Working | NICVA
Friday 11th June 10.30am – 12.00pm Approaches to Blended Working | NICVA
Tuesday 15th June 2pm – 3.30pm Approaches to Blended Working | NICVA
Friday 18th June 10.30pm – 12.00pm Approaches to Blended Working | NICVA
These sessions will be held with NICVA’s HR Manager Alex Hastings and NICVA’s Deputy Chief Executive Úna McKernan. Numbers at each session will be limited to enable conversations so book early to avoid disappointment.