Faith training and learning calendar

Free training and learning opportunities for faith based groups

A range of training, learning and networking opportunities for faith organisations are available between now and the end of March 2021.

Aimed at assisting faith based groups engaged in community development the training covers areas such as social media, governance, fundraising and understanding government.


All are offered online and so are very accessible, and all are free to faith based groups. 


Social Media: Facebook - 23 February - 10am to 11.30am

The Assembly Explained - understanding how the Assembly works & how to get involved - 26 February 2021 - 10am to 11.45am

Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, Canva - 2 March - 10am to 11.30am

Good Governance for New (or Nearly New) Trustees - 4 March - 10am to 12pm

Effective Online Trustee Meetings - 10 March - 10am to 11am

Fundraising: Unrestricted Funding and Fundraising - 16 March - 10am to 11.30am

Fundraising: Grants & Trusts - 23 March - 10am to 11.30am


The Faith Engagement programme is funded by the Department for Communities.

Last updated 4 years 1 month ago