Partners celebrate launch of an innovative, online learning platform.

The Training for Women Network and project partners, Queen’s University Belfast, Foyle Women’s Information Network and Intercomm, were delighted to launch an innovative, online learning platform in Belfast this week – the EU PEACE IV funded ‘Peace and Conflict Transformation’ (PACT) project.  

The online assessment tool, which was jointly developed by Queen’s University and TWN, will provide online psychometric testing to over 1200 women in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties.  This ground-breaking test will direct the women to other elements of training such as diversity, conflict transformation, leadership and inter-community communication.

The project received a total award of €999,652.63 from the EU’s PEACE IV Programme, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) until 31 July 2020.

A series of roadshows will be running across Northern Ireland and the Border Counties in the coming weeks to inform women of the project and begin the recruitment process.

Patricia Lewsley-Mooney, TWN’s Chairperson stated: “TWN were delighted to receive funding from the Special EU Programmes Body to build upon the previous work undertaken.  This unique project will engage grass-roots women in building peace at the community level ensuring that knowledge is shared, thus creating a ripple effect across Northern Ireland and the Border Counties.”

Welcoming the project Gina McIntyre, CEO of the Special EU Programmes Body said: “This project will create a highly innovative new assessment and training programme for women, on both sides of the border. It will equip these women with the skills they need to become confident peace advocates within their own communities who can encourage reconciliation and help overcome division. 

“This is one of the core objectives of the PEACE IV Programme which funds projects that can tackle complex issues such as sectarianism and racism right across the region in order to create a more peaceful society,” she continued. 

Match-funding for the project has been provided by the Executive Office in Northern Ireland and the Department of Rural and Community Development in Ireland.


Last updated 5 years ago