New Charity trustee training series

Charity trustees have a responsibility to run their charity in line with legal requirements and best practice and so need to understand what is expected of them and how best they may fulfil their duties.

Just as organisations grow and develop, so too should the board of trustees.  NICVA's series of training is designed specifically for charity trustees and those staff which support the work of the board. 


Click on the title of the training below to find out more and to book onto a particular training session. 


26 February 4pm - 5.30pm - Effective Meetings

5 March 10am - 1pm - Running a charitable company

13 March 5.30pm - 8pm - Governance for new & nearly new trustees

27 March 10am - 1pm - Risk assessment made easy

3 April 6pm - 8pm - Risk management for the board

30 April 10am - 1pm - Financial reporting to the board

8 May 4pm - 5.30pm - Trustees responsibilities under GDPR

4 June 10am - 4pm - Trustee Conference - Trustee Annual Reporting - Save the date!!!

13 June 10am - 1pm - Charity finance for workers / trustees


We also have a series of basic finance training for treasurers and personnel of small charities which is being held in the evening in various council areas. Please see here for more detail.

Last updated 6 years 1 month ago