Autonomie's Freedom2Choose programme participants onboard a Belfast Lough Sailability vessel on Saturday 28 August 2021

High seas adventure restores confidence in young people with additional needs after Covid isolation

The 16-30 years olds enjoyed a boating expedition with Belfast Lough Sailability organised by charity Autonomie.

Young people with complex additional needs that participant in Autonomie's social and recreational programme Freedom2Choose got a chance to enjoy a boat trip with Belfast Lough Sailability.

Launched from Carrickfergus, two Sailability boats carried the young people including some that are wheelchair users, Autonomie staff and volunteers and crew.

Lynne Morrison Chief Officer at Autonomie said: "It is vital young people with additional needs can access the same opportunities as all young people and we are proud to deliver a fun and exciting social and recreational activities programme that gives these young people the chance to get to do activities they normally may not get a chance to do especially over the past 18 months due to the pandemic.

"The Belfast Lough Sailability crew were fantastic. Our young people had a wonderful time and are excited to have another sea adventure again next summer."


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Last updated 3 years 6 months ago