During these difficult times in lock-down, NIYF carried out a survey with young people. This survey was called 'Our Voices Aren't In Lock-Down'. Over a period of a week in April 2020, nearly 800 young people between the ages of 11-25 yrs responded.

The survey had a representative spread of responses from all ages.  There was a strong representation in 15-17 year olds relative to the size of the population.  Some of the results indicated that:

  • There was a high level of confidence in young people that they have a good or full understanding of Covid19 (26%)

  • Likewise, there was a high level of confidence in young people that they could access factual nature of information with almost 76% feeling they could 

  • Yet 73% felt that they needed access to more appropriate, factual information

  • Young people also told us that the source of information can be critical with almost 76% of young people accessing information from social media, there must be a cautious approach

  • A staggering 74% of young people believed that there was not enough testing going on

  • The main issues facing young people in the survey were 'Mental Health', 'Exams & Exam Results', 'Education', 'Boredom', 'Physical Health', 'Future Prospects', 'Money Worries', 'Loneliness / Isolation', 'Unemployment', to name but a few

  • Young people identified 623 questions that they would ask decision makers if they had the opportunity, identifying organisations and people such as 'Boris Johnston', 'Education Authority', 'CCEA', 'Universities / Schools', 'NI Executive, 'Robin Swann', 'Peter Weir' 


NIYF are carrying out another survey called 'Our Voices Coming Out Of Lock-Down' and we will publish the findings and a video at the end of June 2020.

Here's a copy of the youtube link for our survey video:

Last updated 4 years ago
Education Authority / Paul Hamlyn Foundation / SEUPB / Big Lottery / Department for Communities / Translink / NIHE /