Job | Part Time


Youth for Christ Northern Ireland

£21,191 - £22,748 pro rata
We are seeking to appoint a Part-Time Female Youth Support Worker and Part-Time Male Youth Support Worker to assist in the work of Youth for Christ on the Ards Peninsula. The female support worker will be responsible for supporting the Area Youth Worker in the delivery of programmes within the work of Youth for Christ on the Ards Peninsula, with a particular focus on work with young girls and women. The male support worker will be responsible for supporting the Area Youth Worker in the delivery of programmes within the work of Youth for Christ on the Ards Peninsula, with a particular focus on work with young men.

We are looking for a committed, motivated individuals who is passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus. The successful applicants will have the vision, drive and determination to positively impact the lives of young people on the Ards Peninsula. They will have a particular heart for drop-in work, schools-based work and working with young people on the margins, as we seek to see an unreached generation of young people transformed by the love of Jesus and reach their full potential.

For more information, please see the Job Descriptions attached.



Application Process

Those wishing to apply should COMPLETE AND RETURN the application form to

Application Deadline: 4pm Friday 6th September 2024

*The nature of the role and the context in which it is carried out dictates that it is a genuine occupational requirement that the person appointed must be a committed Christian, subscribing to the Statement of Faith and Ethos Statement of YFCNI

The successful candidate will also be required to undertake an Access NI Enhanced Check, including a check of the DBS Barred Lists. For more information, please follow the links at the end of this document.