Job | Full Time


Co-operation Ireland

Point 3 - £33,000-£41,000
To lead a team on the design and delivery activity to promote the capacity of children and young people to form positive relationships, build capacity of key contacts and promote sharing of best practice in the programme area.



OUR Generation is a Peace Plus project focused on developing Emotional Resilience and promoting Well-Being to support cohesion on both a cross-community and a cross-border basis. The project will be delivered by a consortium, led by Action Mental Health - Co-operation Ireland is a one of the consortium partners.


Job Purpose Summary


To lead a team on the design and delivery activity to promote the capacity of children and young people to form positive relationships, build capacity of key contacts and promote sharing of best practice in the programme area.


Main Duties and Responsibilities


  • Undertake outreach activities at a local community level to engage local groups in project activities, with a particular focus on those groups who represent those impacted by the legacy of conflict including marginalised, isolated or at-risk young people
  • Develop supportive, challenging, healthy working relationships with community organisations and their representatives to develop and design an activity and learning for young people in their community.
  • Arrange and deliver workshops and/or training seminars with consortium partners to ensure the achievement of the outreach and engagement targets set by the consortium manager. 
  • To support a reflective process for community participants that will contribute to improvements in programme design.
  • Participate in regular planned and ad hoc meetings with Co-operation Ireland management team and other consortium partners to assess and review the ongoing delivery of the project.
  • Lead and support a small team of 2 Our Generation Programme Executives in NI and IRE.


Additional Duties



  • Support the establishment and maintenance of adequate monitoring/information management systems to ensure effective information gathering and record keeping.
  • Gather relevant best practice data on project performance and achievement of key targets.
  • Support consortium partners in devising new outreach initiatives that successfully engage “hard to reach” young people and how they might be enhanced to reach and retain those with many complex needs and lives.
  • Work with consortium partners to develop an on-line system that provides relevant information to community level organisations.
  • Develop linkages with other Peace Plus funded projects, especially those supported under the “Building Positive Relations” and “Children and Young People” strands of the programme to enhance and complement delivery across the programme. 



  • Develop knowledge on the issue themes facing young people and identification of national and international best practice in peace-building with young people.
  • Identify, develop and disseminate effective practice models most likely to effect changes for marginalised young people impacted by these issues.
  • Promote a learning culture by identifying models of good practice currently being used and proposed by delivery agents and ensure that the learning is shared.
  • To contribute to practice and policy papers which extend best practice learning to local communities.


Administrative Activities

  • Maintain a written record of all design and development meetings with community organisations, and provide briefing reports on training events/seminars.
  • In collaboration with consortium colleagues, contribute to any evaluation of the projects in terms of delivery, impact and quality of outcomes.
  • Input non-financial monitoring information onto the Peace IV reporting system regarding the activities undertaken by Co-operation Ireland to fulfil its obligations under the terms of the funding award.
  • Follow the PR requirements of the Peace Plus programme including the use of logos on all publicity and communication materials.
  • Participate in group/team meetings providing regular updates.
  • Represent Co-operation Ireland and the project in external networks and meetings.
  • Any other duties appropriate to the grade and nature of the post.




  • Always promote the organisation positively  and strive to build and maintain the excellent partnerships that have been developed by the organisation.
  • Conduct yourself in a trustworthy, reasonable and responsible manner when undertaking your duties.
  • Promote a positive and harmonious working environment where all are treated with respect, equality and fairness and in which no form of intimidation or harassment is tolerated.
  • Abide by all the organisation’s policies and procedures and ensure that these are implemented fully within your areas of responsibility. 
  • Within the context of the post, ensure full compliance to health and safety and safeguarding requirements.
  • Participate in staff development and training events.
  • Any other duties deemed necessary within the postholder’s competency to ensure the effective operation of your role within the company or a role where similar experience and/or knowledge and/or skills might be required.


This is the description of the job as it is presently constituted. It is the practice of the organisation to periodically examine staff job descriptions and to update them to ensure that they continue to relate to the job. It is the aim of the organisation to reach agreement to reasonable changes following discussion with the post holder.



Closing Date

Friday / 31 January 2025

Contact Details 


Unit 4 Murray's Exchange 1-9 Linfield Road Belfast BT12 5DR

Unit 4 Murray's Exchange 1-9 Linfield Road
BT12 5DR
United Kingdom


SPEOG 1124 Candidate Info Pack.docx SPEOG 1124 Application Form.docx SPEOG 1224 Job Description.docx

A project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).