Invitation to Quote for Consultancy Services
Easilink Community Transport
2.0 Organisation Background:
Established in 2012, Easilink Community Transport provides an affordable and accessible transport option for individuals and groups across the rural areas of Omagh, Strabane & Derry/Londonderry. We also operate the Disability Action Transport Service across the Strabane and Omagh town areas. Easilink Community Transport is managed by a nine-person voluntary Board of Directors. The team includes twenty-two staff, operating a fleet of sixteen accessible minibuses and 38 Volunteer Car Drivers who transport members in their own cars. Easilink Community Transport’s Purpose is: “People experiencing enhanced quality of life through available, flexible and affordable transport connections to services, activities and opportunities.”
3.0 Project Background and Key Strands:
Easilink Community Transport along with three Rural Community Transport Project Partners (CDM Community Transport, Fermanagh Community Transport and North Coast Community Transport) have been successful in securing £3.42 million of funding from the Motability Foundation through their ‘Community Transport Grant Programme’.
3.1 Key Project Strands
The programme consists of four key strands: delivery of transport to disability centred groups and individuals; investment in a fleet of twenty-three fit for purpose accessible mini-buses; a driver training and employment programme; and the establishment of a scheme to provide transport to regional hospital and health appointments.
3.2 Motability Fund - Routes to Impact
Through the four delivery elements above, we wish to evaluate our Programme against the 5 Overarching Routes to Impact: (Further details on these can be found in Appendix 1 and within the funding programme detail available from the Motability Foundation)
- Increased Human Capital
- Improved Vehicle Supply
- New & Improved Policy
- Greater Sector Resilience
- Shaping Best Practise
3.3 Key Performance Indicators
The evaluator appointed will be required to evaluate the project based on its performance against the following key log frame indicators.
Operational Indicators
Long Term Strategic Indicators
- Number of staff and volunteers who have received training certifications.
- Number of disabled people that have used the service.
- Total number of trips made by disabled CT passengers.
- Number of "hospital" trips made by disabled CT passengers.
- Number of hours worked by volunteers on Motability Foundation supported services.
- Number of drivers supporting third party organisations
- Number of new vehicles suitable for CT use.
- Input into and Number of improvements to local, regional, and national policy relating to CT.
- Number of advocacy campaigning events to promote CT.
- Number of new partnerships, collaboration, or coordination initiatives.
- Explore how partnership working in the CT sector can enhance capacity, resilience, and efficiency.
- Increased governmental recognition of the need for and importance of CT in addressing the transport gap facing disabled / elderly individuals through enhanced policy and funding.
- Improvement in awareness and perception of affordability, availability, and accessibility of rural community transport.
- Improvement in levels of life quality, health, well-being, and social isolation of persons with a disability.
4.0 Evaluation Requirements and Methodology
The successful consultant will be required to draw on their experience, skills and knowledge to plan and produce the two reports outlined below. They will be required to work with Easilink Community Transport and their three partners to develop and agree a comprehensive and robust multi-method evaluation framework, methodology and engagement plan which is specifically tailored to the ‘Motability Programme.’
- Interim Project Evaluation – focusing on inputs, process and interim outputs and outcomes.
- Final Project Evaluation – focusing on project outcomes and impacts, lessons learned and recommendations.
A baseline evaluation for the Motability Project has already been completed which has allowed us to establish a base position from which progress can be tracked throughout the lifetime of the funding but particularly at a mid-point stage and again towards the end of the project. We will use this evaluation to help us establish a compelling case for future and sustained funding from a range of sources including within and across government.
4.1 Methodology
We wish to collaborate with the appointed consultant to develop a mixed-method evaluation process which will draw on both qualitative and quantitative methods in the process of monitoring and evaluating the project. Key engagement methods will include case studies, client testimonies, focus groups, surveys, discussions with key stakeholders including a range of funders, local disability centred groups and individuals, community groups and organisations with a health, disability, and older persons focus.
A key element of input into the Interim and Summative evaluations will be the output from the Ealing Community Transport Social Value Calculator which Easilink and the Project Partners are using to assess the social value arising from the Motability Project.
5.0 What Must be Included in Your Evaluation Proposal:
The proposal must follow the format set-out below and address all elements.
- Name, Contact Details and Address of the Business/ Consultant.
- Nature of Business Status – Sole Trader or Company etc (Please provide Company Number and VAT Number if registered as Company).
- Details of 2 Similar Evaluations Undertaken within the Past 3 Years (Provision of Contact details for 2 Unrelated Referees who can speak to the respective evaluations).
- Include an example of a completed evaluation.
- Detailed Proposed Evaluation Methodology, Projected Timeline, and Identify Key Stakeholders.
- Detailed budget, inclusive of VAT (Please indicate all relevant expenses and rates). Please note this is a fixed price contract. Quotation must remain valid for 90 days after closing date for receipt.
5.1 Indicative Budget
Please note that the maximum budget which is available for Independent Evaluation Services is £10,000 (Excluding VAT).
6.0 Contact Point for Any Queries
Please contact our Motability Programme Co-Ordinator, Charlene Devine on on 028 71883282 for any further queries or clarifications.
Closing Date
Contact Details
Charlene Devine
Motability Project Co-ordinator
Easilink Community Transort
12 Orchard Road
BT82 9FR
United Kingdom