54.215155697472, -5.88943305762
Youth provision and services for young people aged 4-25 years
YMCA Newcastle10B Donard Street, Newcastle, BT330AW
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Other
During the current crisis we can offer a range of online opportunities for young people between 4-25 including PSD programmes through the discord and google platforms, these including 8 week online programmes delivery 6 evenings per week - these range from resilience building, gender based, rights based and health and wellbeing programmes which are tailored to support young people based on needs.
Online support and mentoring services for individual young people and small groups through designated digital platforms and via phone.
please find expression of interest form for current online programmes: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9XfnVksXzswDAB91CQih29CQXx15h6kKJJjzh0njAr5tyHg/viewform
People can access our services though the local YMCA Newcastle page on facebook @YMCAYouthbase they can also use this platform to message regarding programmes and support.
or via the expression of interest link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9XfnVksXzswDAB91CQih29CQXx15h6kKJJjzh0njAr5tyHg/viewform
The senior youth worker Denise Malone can also be contacted via phone or email:
Email: denise.malone@ymca-ireland.net
Mobile: 07907 646302

YMCA Newcastle
YMCA Newcastle
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service