54.454390003558, -6.418540005767
Website Hosting
ProBlue Solutions LtdWe take away all the hassle of dealing with a 3rd party web hosting company, which can become time consuming and frustrating. But you are still in full control with a direct login and full access to all of your data.
When you use a 3rd party web host you must deal with them directly. Large hosting companies feel no real obligation to you or your business - their support people won't be panicking to solve your issues. When you host with us however, we take away all of these worries and provide a guarantee that your website will simply work.
We are not a web host "reseller", our infrastructure is privately leased and not part of any other web host's network. We aren't like most web designers who simply set up a reseller plan and stick their clients onto shared servers run by a large web host who has no real investment in the sucess of your website. Our hosting service does not have the frailties and limitiations of these kinds of services and we can guarantee reliability and performance.
Our servers are located in the Hetzner datacentre in Germany which is a state of the art facility and houses servers for many of Europe's top web hosting companies. Hetzner are industry renowned for efficiency and reliability, a company who we have worked with since 2013 with consistent high levels of reliability and performance. Because our servers are located in Germany, you benefit from EU data protection laws.
Our servers are managed by qualified datacentre technicians and the server core software is protected by rigorous security measures; all server hardware is monitored 24/7 for any failures.
- The datacentre, hardware, network connections, security and core server software stack are managed by Hetzner on a 24/7 basis with proactive service monitoring and automatic software updates.
- Account maintenance, server configuration, databases, website & software installations, email etc. are managed by Problue Solutions during regular office hours.
You are provided with login details to your hosting control panel where you can access and download all of the files and databases in your account without having to contact us.
Websites that are developed by us will normally be hosted on a shared server which means your website will be on a server with other clients of ours. For very large websites with lots of traffic or complicated processing going on we may suggest a virtual private server or a dedicated server. We are flexible on resources like disk space and memory, and we will ensure that your website has the appropriate resources to operate optimally. All hosting accounts for websites developed by us have the following features:
- Daily automatic backups
- Weekly off-site backups
- Free SSL security certificate
- Unlimited email addresses
- Unlimited FTP accounts
- Unlimited databases
- Unlimited sub-domains
- Unlimited traffic