54.985711222315, -7.3122110169082

Telephone Support Service

Hillcrest Trust

Hillcrest House 14-17 Jasmine Court Derry BT47 2DZ

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered

Hillcrest Trust have set up a telephone contact and support service for residents who are isolated, vulnerable and / or older. 

We will keep in regular contact with them by telephone to ensure their basic needs are met, relieve the isolation and help them feel connected to the wider community.     Practical Support for residents who are older / shielding / isolating due to symptoms we can help provide practical support with essentials, medication and other assistance.  These services are non contact and strictly in line with public health guidance.

How to access this support

Contact Details

Telephone: 028 7134 7515

Email: info@hillcresttrust.com

Website: www.hillcresttrust.com


Opening Hours: Monday –Friday, 9am-5-pm

Email Address
Telephone number
Hillcrest Trust

Hillcrest Trust

Hillcrest Trust

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service