54.252483, -7.4422835
Telephone Befriending
Erne East Community Partnership LtdErne East Community Partnership Ltd, 179 Cross Street, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh, BT92 0JE
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered
Telephone Befriending service for people in isolation and vulnerable clients. Initially in Lisnaskea, Donagh, Maguiresbridge, Newtownbutler, Roslea and Maguiresbridge electoral wards and other areas we serve.
Service will include befriending, connections to our volunteer delivery service, raising awareness of online activities we will post on our Facebook page promoting positive mental health, physical activity and good nutrition. We will refer people on to other relevant agencies.
How to access this support
Telephone: 028 677 23843
Facebook: The Oak Healthy Living Centre
e-mail: Alanah.Kerr@oakhlc.com
Email Address
Telephone number
Erne East Community Partnership Ltd
Erne East Community Partnership Ltd (Oak Healthy Living Centre)
Other services available
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service