54.992279174351, -7.3260320508439
Support, services, signposting for women and community groups
Foyle Women's Information NetworkHolywell (DCCP) 8-14 Bishop Street, Derry-Londonderry BT48 6PW
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Information and advice
- Other
Help offered for organisations
- Information and advice
- Other
We can help women and female identified people in the north-west areas of Northern Ireland, border areas and in general, we will aim to help anyone across the province in need.
Foyle Women's Information Network has a range of community-based support services in place to ensure women in the north-west and surrounding areas can continue to develop their own skills and maximise their input to social, educational and political development within local areas as well as at a strategic level within Northern Ireland.
In this time of COVID-19, we continue to implement strategies to address the educational, leisure, emotional, physical, health and well being of women, as well as their cultural development.
- Daily online classes and events on our Facebook page
- Social isolation support through the posting of isolation packages to women in need
- Distributing important information and advice on how to stay safe during this crisis and about relevant community organisations
- Online mental health support from trained counsellors
- Recording stories and experiences of life during COVID-19
- Working in partnership with other community groups in the area to support and distribute information
- Listening Ear service via our telephone number
- Continued engagement with WICT class participants
- Promotion of mindfulness activities and resources for parents
- Distributing supplies (nappies, Easter Eggs) and signposting those in need to services
For daily online content, please access our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Foyle-Womens-Information-Network-519902031374531/
Visit our Webpage and Sign Up to our Newsletter: https://www.fwin.org.uk/
Email us on: info@fwin.org.uk
Telephone us on: 028 7126 6291
Postal address: 8-14 Bishop Street, Derry-Londonderry, BT48 6PW
Foyle Women's Information Network
Foyle Women's Information Network
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service