55.034199, -7.2642674633849

Support to individuals and families in the community, especially the vulnerable and most in need.

Strathfoyle Women's Activity Group Ltd

12 Bawnmore Place Strathfoyle Derry BT47 6XP

Help offered for organisations

  • Information and advice
  • Counselling / bereavement support
Help offered


  • One to one support services in counselling, CBT and personal development, parenting, or simply a listening ear - this is by telephone or face time
  • Contacting elderly residents and families in the community on a regular basis for a chat and to enquire about their well-being, and if they need anything
  • Distributing important information on how to stay safe during this crisis and relevant emergency contact numbers
  • Distributing parenting information on activities and ideas, for play at home with young children
  • Delivering group sessions in both Mindfulness and Know, Grow and Flow via an online platform
  • Delivering a weekly nutritional demonstration by Pure Nutrition and nutritional advice for healthy meals on a budget
  • Promoting our centre's online services and others through our Facebook page
  • Distributing to young children, creative and sensory play materials
  • Organising competitions for the children and offering prizes to the winners
  • Distributing creative packs to the elderly and those living by themselves and self-isolating
  • Distributing emergency supplies including food boxes to vulnerable families and those most in need
  • Working in partnership with other community groups in the area
How to access this support

People can access our support by calling the centre, through Facebook, by private message, by email or by speaking to our staff and volunteers

  • Telephone: 028 7186 0733
  • Facebook: Strathfoyle Womens Group where they can private message also
  • Email: strathfoylewomenscentre@hotmail.co.uk
  • Staff:  Ann Montgomery, Gemma Ringland, Martina Jenkins, Gemma Lynch, Karen Harkin and Lesley Bamford (5 members of staff live in the community)

Those families who avail of our childcare services have contact numbers of our childcare staff.

The elderly centre users have the contact numbers of the office staff


Contact Name
Lesley Bamford - Centre Manager Ann Montgomery - Creche Co-ordinator
Telephone number
Strathfoyle Women's Activity Group Ltd

Strathfoyle Women's Activity Group Ltd

Strathfoyle Women's Activity Group Ltd

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service