54.655708988055, -5.6636693444227
Support and information to individuals and community groups
North Down Community NetworkNDCN Resource Centre, 5 Castle Park Road, Bangor, BT20 4TF
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
- Information and advice
- Other
Help offered for organisations
- Premises
- Information and advice
- Other
• Befriending and support phone calls with our regular Hub users to not only stay connected with people, but assess how their health is and understand the support they need. So for example, if we are calling to check in on someone, but we then realise they cannot collect a prescription, we can do that. We have also made up food parcels for our regulars.
• Food Parcels in partnership with Bangor Elim Food Bank and Storehouse North Down – they will be classed as key workers even if we go into lockdown which means their volunteers will still be out delivering to people’s door. We have agreed to signpost anyone to them for, and if they are under pressure, we as staff, can go to the Food Bank, and volunteers can then place parcels in the boots of our cars, to then place outside people’s doors. The Storehouse number is not on the poster as people cannot self-refer and they need to be referred by an agency (they are open Mondays and Thursdays) but their number is: 07526541168
• Personal Shopping This is for anyone who can still afford their food shopping but is isolated. We can offer support on: 02891 461386
• Online Dice Project – Our youth project has already moved online, connecting with young people and encouraging activities through Instagram and Facebook. Cailtin, the Dice Coordinator can be contacted on 07311 211 634.
• Information and Support Signposting– we will be actively sharing all of the support and positive initiatives going on in the area, and will be sharing the most up to date health advice, so keep an eye on our facebook and if you know if any that would be good to share, please email Lindsey at admin@ndcn.co.uk.
• Hard copy info – of all of the above in posted A0 size on our hub windows on Main street and we have A3 posters and 1000 A4 leaflets which are distributing to shops such as Asda, but also local shops and garages for people to take.
Via phone: 02891 461386
Email: manager@ndcn.co.uk www.ndcn.co.uk via a weekly ezine to receive this contact Lindsey on: admin@ndcn.co.uk
Facebook - northdowncommunitynetwork
Twitter @NDCN_Bangor
Instagram @dice_bangor

North Down Community Network
North Down Community Network
Other services available
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COVID-19 Service