54.628089985171, -5.9656800264333

Restorative Adult Practices (RAPs) - Adjudicated Offenders (Reparation Done to Relationships)

North Belfast Alternatives
Help offered

Alternatives RAPs is responsible for the oversight and delivery of restorative programmes to adult adjudicated offenders referred by the Probation Board of Northern Ireland. Inspired by the philosophy and practices of restorative justice, the programme focuses on the reparation of harm done to relationships and people over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment.

How to access this support

The Restorative Adult Practices Programme or RAPs for short takes referrals from the following Probation teams: North Belfast/South Antrim North Antrim & Inspire (which is a Probation specific project for women offenders)

Telephone number
Supported Age Groups