Providing Affordable Accessible Community Transport Services throughout Cookstown & Dungannon

CDM Community Transport
Help offered

We can provide individuals living within rural and urban areas of Cookstown and Dungannon with a range of door-to-door transport options.

Dial-a-Lift - Local Door to Door transport service for ANYONE living throughout the rural areas of Cookstown and Dungannon. You need to become a member of CDM, an annual membership fee applies, however you can travel for free or half fare if you hold a valid Bus Pass.  Priority will be given to older people and people with disabilities during periods of high demand. 

Disability Action Transport Services - Local Door to Door transport service for people living within Cookstown and Dungannon town boundaries, to become a member you will need to complete a Disability Action membership application form and meet the criteria for membership. Membership is free however a fare is charged based on miles travelled. 

Out of Area - Any member of CDM can request to be transported outside the operational area to attend hospital appointments or personal business, providing resources are available.  Charges apply and will be calculated on a full cost recovery basis.

Group Hire - Affordable group hire transport is available for charitable and non-profit community groups and organisations operating throughout Cookstown, Dungannon and the surrounding areas.  Our vehicles are fully accessible ranging in size from 9 – 16 passenger seats.  “With Driver” or “Self-Drive” options are available.

How to access this support

TELEPHONE 028 8676 7766

Contact Name
Ashley Keane
Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups
CDM Community Transport

CDM Community Transport