54.64693, -6.74661

Mid Ulster: Keeping in touch call outs and Wheelchair delivery

Shopmobility Mid Ulster

Burnavon Arts Centre, Cookstown, BT80 9LU

Type of support for people

  • Information and advice
  • Other
Help offered

Shopmobility Mid Ulster is providing Keeping in touch calls to all its members and anyone referred to us. We will provide a relaxed chat with users who are vulnerable, isolated, disabled or simply have little support. Offering advice, guidance and support we will call you on a regular basis to ensure you know whats available in the local area, linking in with Mid Ulster Council services, and other older/disabled and community groups.

We are also providing wheelchairs in situations where mobility is restricted and you are unable to get around. This is a contactless delivery system. 

How to access this support

To access our services simply give us a call, drop us an email or send us a private message on social media. Our staff are working from home but all our phones are diverted. Opening hours Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm. Office phones; Cookstown 028 8676 9656. Dungannon 028 8775 1700

Telephone number
Shopmobility Mid Ulster

Shopmobility Mid Ulster

Shopmobility Mid Ulster

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service