54.735603, -6.1887589999999

Information and Support for those affected by cancer - including patients, carers, family and friends.

Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Trust Headquarters, Bretten Hall Bush Road Antrim BT41 2RL

Type of support for people

  • Information and advice
Help offered

Provide information and support to those affect by cancer.    

Please note that programmes and events are suspended to due COVID-19 for the foreseeable future.   Support still available via telephone and email.    

Offer free, confidential support and advice.


We are able to provide: 

- Written information on all aspects of living with and beyond cancer 

- Access to benefits advice and other sources of financial help 

- Signposting to local services such as counselling, complementary therapies, physical activity programmes and more 

- Access to practical help 

- Access to support programmes to help you cope with the effects of cancer both during and after treatment e.g. fatigue 

- Signposting to family support services

How to access this support

Contact Details

Telephone: 028 9442 4046

Email: CancerInformation@northerntrust.hscni.net

Website: www.nhsctcancerservices.hscni.net

Telephone number
Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service