54.725370018149, -5.8336200406

Helping local people in crisis

Carrickfergus Foodbank
Help offered

The foodbank offers 3 days of non perishable food items, additionally and when available the foodbank can supply toiletries, household cleaning products and pet food.  Signposting literature is available to help should further support be required.

How to access this support

The foodbank is by voucher or code referral only.  A list of the foodbanks referral organisations can be found on Carrickfergus Foodbank Facebook page 'a pinned post' at the top of the page and also on the website under the section 'Get Help' 'Foodbank Vouchers'.

Contact Name
Alex Moore/Gwen Smyth
Telephone number
Supported Age Groups

Carrickfergus Foodbank

Other services available

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