55.027360073287, -7.1745100038951

Help to vulnerable people in Eglinton area

Eglinton Community Limited

Eglinton Community Hall, 40 Main Street, Eglinton, BT47 3AD

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
  • Information and advice
  • Other

Help offered for organisations

  • Premises
  • Information and advice
  • Counselling / bereavement support
Help offered

Parish of Faughanvale, villages of Eglinton and Greysteel, Lettershandoney, Campsie, Tamnaherin, Killywool and Slaughtmanus.

For vulnerable people who need to self isolate we are offering shopping for food, prescription pick up and delivery, posting mail, paying bills at post office. 

We offer telephone support and a friendly chat.  

We are also offering mental health support through trained volunteers.

We are a drop off point for items being sent in for patients and staff at Altnagelvin Hospital

We work in partnership in the Parish of Faughanvale with Church of Ireland, Catholic and Presbyterian Churches

How to access this support

They can access support through 4 volunteer co-odinators who manage the volunteers and request volunteer deliveries.

The mental health support is managed by a specialist co-ordinator and that support is accessed initially through one of the 4 volunteer co-ordinators

Debbie 07756464372

Elaine 07860809698

Trevor 028 71811590

Rita 07957796373


Contact Name
Debbie Caulfield

Eglinton Community Limited

Eglinton Community Limited

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service