54.994821496249, -7.3285920130131

Dove House Advice Services offer benefit and generalist advice such as housing issues, financial capability.

Dove House Community Trust

32 Meenan Square Bogside, Derry, BT48 9EX

Type of support for people

  • Information and advice
Help offered

All advisers are working form home and offering  benefit and generalist advice such as housing issues, financial capability form 9-5 Monday - Friday. We can either assist via telephone or email.

How to access this support

We can be contacted va telephone on 02871269327

 or email: dovehouseadvice@gmail.com

We input niformtation daily on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dovehouse32

Telephone number
Dove House Community Trust

Dove House Community Trust

Dove House Advice Services

Other services available

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service