54.380809134303, -6.3083008629786
Delivery service for local SPAR, phonecalls to isolated people, prescription pick up, signposting to other services
LLT Community AssociationDrumnascamph Road, Laurencetown Craigavon BT63 6DU
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
Help offered
- phonecall - food delivery from Laurencetown SPAR - shopping for other essential items - prescription pick up - signposting to other services
How to access this support
Ring 028 4062 3770 and leave a message or email enquiries@lltca.com or contact LLTCA on facebook
Email Address
Telephone number

LLT Community Association
Other services available
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service