Consumer Complaints
Consumer Council for Northern IrelandIf you have an unresolved complaint about energy, water, transport or postal services in Northern Ireland, we may be able to help.
Our service is free to use.
How we can help
If you have an issue with an energy, transport, water or post provider in Northern Ireland, make a complaint to them in the first instance to give them the opportunity to put things right.
If you don’t receive a response, or are unhappy with the outcome, you can contact us. We will investigate the issue and do what we can to help you.
We can’t help consumers who live outside Northern Ireland, unless it's about a flight that departed from or arrived into Northern Ireland.
Submit your complaint to us online, by phone, letter or email.
We can’t help consumers who live outside Northern Ireland, unless it's about a flight that departed from or arrived into Northern Ireland.
Before you submit a complaint to us, you should have:
- logged a formal complaint with the company
- worked with the company to resolve the complaint
- either received a response from the company that you are unhappy with, or not received a response within their agreed timeframe
- gathered evidence such as letters or emails about the complaint
If you've done this, you can contact us and we'll do what we can to help. You can call us on 0800 121 6022 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, or use the form below to make a complaint to us.