54.593678398292, -5.6946176616654
Community Advice Ards and North Down (formerly Citizens Advice)
Community Advice Ards and North DownOffices at 39A Hamilton Road,Bangor and 30 Frances Street, Newtownards
Type of support for people
- Information and advice
Help offered for organisations
- Information and advice
Community Advice Ards and North Down helps people resolve many problems, including debt, social security benefits, housing, legal, health, discrimination, employment, immigration, tax, relationship and consumer issues.At present, we are also advising on issues arising as a result of COVID-19.
Community Advice Ards and North Down is a registered charity reliant on trained advisers (both paid and volunteer) and funded by money from Ards and North Down Borough Council, the Department for Communities and MacMillan Cancer Support. This helps us to provide and maintain a vital service to local communities.
We aim to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people's lives.
We provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.
Community Advice Ards and North Down comprises the Ards, Bangor and Holywood offices and is part of the wider Community Advice family within Northern Ireland
We have a dedicated telephone advice line service. It is now fully operational and is open Monday - Friday from 9 am - 7 pm and on Saturday-9 am-1 pm.
- call- 0300 123 9287
Clients can also email us to request advice and information.
- Our email address is; advice@caand.co.uk

Community Advice Ards and North Down
Community Advice Ards and North Down
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service