54.660812627243, -5.6639046587513
Befriending Services
uHub Therapy Centre36 Hamilton Rd, Bangor BT20 4LE
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered
Funded by the Executive Office, this project is for those in Kilcooley, Rathgill and surrounding areas. If you're unsure of eligibility for "surrounding areas", please get in touch.
- ***In keeping with the social distancing measures, our Befriending service is telephone-based only***
- While isolation and social distancing are necessary, we understand the strains of this can hit communities and individuals hard.
- My uHub, uHub's sister organisation, has created a telephone-based befriending service made up of volunteers who want to reach out and give support to those who may be struggling with the changes made to everyday life.
- Our trained volunteers can provide a listening ear if you need someone to chat to or can help you find the resources you need, whether it's support with mental health, signposting to other organisations for specific needs or helping you with the process of contacting them.
- We will do our best to work around your schedule with optional call times.
- Our aim is to keep as many people as we can healthy, happy and feeling secure in their communities.
Please be aware all calls will be made from private and withheld numbers.
How to access this support
Please contact us by filling in the Befriending Referral form on our website: https://www.uhub.org.uk/befriending-referral
- If you're unsure or hesitant, we understand. We're available to answer any questions you may have about our service and we'll answer them in a nonjudgmental, open and friendly way. Only designated uHub and My uHub staff will have access to this information.
If you have any questions regarding our service, please contact Cara at cara@uhub.org.uk
Email Address
Telephone number
uHub Therapy Centre
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service