54.773924453066, -5.9622662116804
Baby Basics Antrim and Newtownabbey, supply new mums in need of the basics
The United Parish, of Ballynure & Ballyeaston (Ballyclare)Baby Basics, Christ Church Hall, 21 Church Rd, Ballynure, Ballyclare BT39 9UF
Type of support for people
- Other
Help offered for organisations
- Other
We work with the Northern Trust, through health visitors and midwives, to reach people who are struggling to get the basics for their baby.
Most of our items are second hand and are in excellent condition.
We can offer:
Moses basket starter kits - Moses basket, clothing, toiletries for mum and baby, nappies, etc
clothing bundles
Baby bath (with or without the starter kit mentioned above)
During the Covid 19 period we can also offer Emergency Baby Care Packs - for mums who are struggling to get - nappies, babywipes, nappy sacks. (These are available for pick up on the same day)
If you are living in the Antrim and Newtownabbey borough council area and you are struggling to get what you need for your baby (listed above), please contact your health visitor or midwife and they can email us to put a referral in for you. Your health visitor/midwife will then collect the items and deliver them to your doorstep.
If you are in need of an Emergency Baby Care Pack - please contact us directly either via phone or email and we will arrange for you to pick one up from our Ballyclare location.

The United Parish, of Ballynure & Ballyeaston (Ballyclare)
Baby Basics Antrim and Newtownabbey
Other services available
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service