55.02747524508, -7.3329526995499

Activities/wellbeing packs for children, Young people and older residents

Rainbow Child and Family Centre

104 Bracken Park, Galliagh, Ballyarnett, Derry BT48 8AZ

Type of support for people

  • Other
Help offered

We can deliver a activities/wellbeing pack to your home. These packs include arts & crafts activities, books or small games 

We have 5 packs available: for babies, for children 2-5 and 5-12, for  young people 12+ and for older residents.

We have also started a Library Games packs - these are packs include a family board game ie Monolopy, scrabble, hungry hippos etc a jigsaw puzzles, book, something for the development of gross & fine motor skills in children ie Lego, threading games etc

Note we hand them out for 5 days when we get them back we spray with disinfectant and let sit for 72 hours (as that is the advice the virus can live on surfaces) and the packs are then handed out to another family .


How to access this support

They can contact our Facebook page: rainbowchildandfamilycentre and leave a PM , They can call 02871353724 or our mobile number 07925687167

We will ask for their name and age of children or older resident. 

Note they must be in the Ballyarnett area of the city of Derry/Londonderry.

Telephone number
Rainbow Child and Family Centre logo

Rainbow Child and Family Centre

Rainbow Child and family Centre

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COVID-19 Service