Team Aspie

Team Aspie

Lower Hall 42 B Fairhill Road
BT80 8AG
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Tracy Collins

Opening Hours

Monday 7.30pm to 9pm

Friday 7.30pm to 9pm

extra days by arrangement

Team Aspie is a community group (non-profit constituted organisation) for the benefit of children and young adults with Asperger’s/ASD and their families. It is based in Cookstown and provides a much needed service across the Mid Ulster area and beyond. The group was founded in 2014 by Richard Collins (then 13 years old). We meet weekly on Monday nights at Team Aspie HQ in Cookstown and regularly have over 50 kids and their guardians in attendance each night. Some of our families travel 40+ miles just to attend. Team Aspie is for children aged 11 to 18 years (P7 to Year 14). Team Aspie Evolve is for our older group 18 to 24 they meet on Friday nights Our motto is “Teamwork makes the dream work” and we promote this in everything we do.

Our kids participate in many activities - creative
workshops, cooking schools, surfing schools,
fun runs, drama, computer coding, quizzes and
accredited courses (like First Aid) to name but a
few. We also host fundraisers, hold social skills
workshops and information nights for the kids
and parents. We insist that a parent attends too
giving parents the opportunity to partake of a
strong support network. It also allows parents
to see their child socialising, making friends,
having fun and being part of a team. When you
receive a diagnosis for your child it can be quite
daunting for all concerned especially the child.
Team Aspie simply offers support and a place to
Our tag-line is Achieve, Support, Promote,
Inspire and Empower because this is what we
do as a team.
At Team Aspie, the kids themselves make a lot
of the decisions about upcoming events and


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  • Joanne Cotton