Sonya Cassidy PR

Sonya Cassidy PR

Hopkins Glen
49 Ballynarrig Road
Co Londonderry
BT49 9NG
United Kingdom

Welcome to Sonya Cassidy PR, a full-service integrated Public Relations agency based in Northern Ireland with a wide network of associates located across Ireland and Great Britain. The PR agency offers marketing communications services.

Sonya Cassidy PR's Content


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The gala ball which took place during Hospitality Exchange, the two-day conference for everyone who works in the hospitality industry, raised a total of £2270 for local charity PEAT (Parents’ Education as Autism Therapists).
Peace Bells

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The Peace Bells were unveiled by the Lord Lieutenant of County Down and dedicated by Lord Eames of Armagh at a special civic service in St. Mary's Kilmood on Friday 9th November 2018.

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Local businessman, Dr Terry Cross OBE, recently visited the headquarters of the charity Air Ambulance Northern Ireland (AANI) in Lisburn to meet with the team and to learn more about the vital service the air ambulance provides.
Open House Festival Programme Launch at The Waterside, Belfast

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The first programmed activity in more than a decade takes place at The Waterside with the programme launch of the fourth Open House Belfast Architecture Festival.
Red Cross

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Wine connoisseurs are being challenged to put their skills to the test to see if they can sniff out a fib at a fundraising ‘Call my Bluff’ event for the British Red Cross on Thursday 15 November 2018, in Belfast’s Harbour Commissioners.

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Childminders from across Northern Ireland are being invited to attend the free Northern Ireland Childminding Association (NICMA) Annual Conference on Saturday 29th September in the Armagh City Hotel. This year’s theme is ‘Big Cook, Little Cook: Healthy Active Lifestyles’ and celebrity chef Jenny Bristow has been unveiled as one of the star attractions.
29 September 2018
Friends of Charis

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Friends of Charis Seeks New Volunteers
Pro Am

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The largest event in this year's PGA calendar, the Bishop's Gate Hotel Walled City of Derry Pro Am tournament took place on 25 and 26 August 2018.
Bishop's Gate Hotel Walled City of Derry Pro Am tournament.

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On Friday 24th August 2018, golfing stars of the next generation will be able to test their skills at the Junior Golf Day, which is part of this year's Bishop's Gate Hotel Walled City of Derry Pro Am tournament.

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Trevor Wightman from Richhill in County Armagh lost his wife, the late Carol Wightman (Connor) aged 55, to metastatic cancer.

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