Rise with Reb

Rise with Reb

1 Towerview Gardens
United Kingdom

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People are struggling with their health and confidence more than ever. I've gone from unemployed, ill and wheelchair bound to walking and to helping others transform their life like I have mine.

During that time I qualified as a coach and now I combine my lived experience with my coaching to deliver courses and workshops to those struggling with the things I have in the past. I started Rise with Reb in January 2021.

One of my biggest goals for the business aside from our expansion plans is to deliver workshops to schools. Especially my body confidence one because due to the rise in eating disorders post covid in young children which is horrifying alone however we now have Snapchat dysmorphia where filters are ruining how young people see themselves, which is why I've started a campaign to raise awareness around the issue and help provide practical ways to raise confidence not using filters.

How I can help you:
✔1 to 1 coaching for intensive transformation.
✔8 week courses on the topics below.
✔Workshops suitable for schools and workplace.
✔Soon to be online courses to do at your own pace.

My content available in course format or one day workshops: 
📚Transform your confidence - Beach Body Ready: Learn to love your body unconditionally 
📚Transform your Health - Back Control of your Health: Mental and Chronic illness edition
📚Transform your diet and fitness - Take Back Control of your Health: Diet and fitness edition
📚Transform your mindset - Take Back Control of your mindset for success in life and work.

I also have a free webinar and ebook that can be sent by email based on taking back control of your health: Mental and Chronic edition.
Email info@risewithreb.com

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  • Reb Browne