Outerwest Surestart

Outerwest Surestart

124 Stewartstown Road
BT11 9JQ
United Kingdom

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Outerwest Surestart offers services and programmes to families who are antenatal and/or have children up the age of 4 years.

The core services of Sure Start are:

- Outreach and home visiting services, to make contact as early as possible in the child's life and encourage families to engage with Surestart and  to use other services;

- Family support, social support and parenting information, both group and home based;

- Good quality play, learning and child care experiences for children, both group and home based;

- Primary and community healthcare and advice,

- Support for children with special needs, both within the Sure Start services offered and through signposting to more specialised services where necessary

Outerwest Surestart covers the ward areas of:  Andersonstown, Glen Road, Glen Colin and Ladybrook

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  • Mairead Gilmartin