Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities

Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities Level 5 Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street Belfast BT2 7EG


Charties Investment
NICIFC is a well-established Fund which has been operating for 60 years. The Fund is managed by the Department for Communities through a recognised Fund Manager (currently LGT Wealth Management.) Its investment policy is guided by a locally based Advisory Committee appointed by the Department. The Fund invests in fixed-interest securities and selected equities, with the allocation of these reviewed and adjusted periodically, in line with the Fund’s investment policy.

The aim of the Fund is to provide an annual income along with long term capital growth. Established in 1965 through the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 1964, the Fund aims to provide trustees with the opportunity to invest all or part of their Funds with the benefit of expert supervision.

The Fund currently has over 170 charities invested along with over 400 charitable donations and bequests.  The Fund is currently valuation of the fund is over £54 million.

Key features of the Fund:

  • competitive management fee
  • no additional charges
  • no minimum investment
  • dividend paid twice a year

Based on the definitions of risk determined by LGT Wealth Management, the portfolio is categorised as being managed with a higher medium risk approach.  The value of any investment may go down as well as up, as can the income generated from it.

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities's Content

NICIFC Statement of Investment Policy

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities

This statement is to establish best practice guidelines for the management of the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund’s investment portfolio (the “Fund”).
Are you involved in a local charity which is looking at investment possibilities?

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities

If you are involved with a charity which is looking at investment possibilities, the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities (NICIFC) is an option you may wish to consider.

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities

If you are involved with a charity which is looking at investment possibilities, the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities (NICIFC) is an option you may wish to consider

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities

Under the Charities Act (NI) 1964 and the Charities Order 1987 the Department for Communities acts as trustee to some 300 charities whose capital is invested in the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities (NICIFC).

Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities

Form for any interested charitable organisations to apply to invest funds in the NICIFC

More Information

Type of Organisation

Public Sector




  • Colin Alderdice