Northdown Community Works
Northdown Community Works
3 Glenford Way
BT23 4BX
United Kingdom
Contact Details
North Down Community Works is a Newtownards based community initiative focussed on helping people who may be experiencing crisis throughout Ards and the North Down area. Our goal is to give back to the local community in any way we can. We run a range of community events and projects throughout North Down and Ards.
We manage The Warehouse Newtownards, which runs a toddlers group, crisis kitchen, an over 50s' group, a community garden, youth work and counselling. We also have a theatre company and run a free community dinner weekly. During Covid-19, some of our community events and projects are unable to take place. However we are working remotely to do everything we can to give back, including weekly hampers and frozen meals for those in need
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Type of Organisation
NDCWCompany Number
37440NI Charity Number
- Jude Bailie
- Megan Weimann