Mental Health Forum

Mental Health Forum

Ballybot House
28 Corn Market
BT35 8BG
United Kingdom

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The Mental Health Forum is a peer-led independent charity that represents, supports, and lobbies for the lived-experience voice of mental health service users and carers in our community. 

Established in 1993 to act as a conduit between that voice and statutory services, we are now deeply embedded within the planning and development of Southern Health & Social Care Trust area mental health services, and highly active in community development in the Newry and South Armagh area.

We invest our experience and passion in supporting community partnerships and individuals of lived experience who work to promote better resilience and mental well-being for the people of our region.  The Mental Health Forum are leaders in coproduction practice and capacity building, and our lived experience members feed expertise and influence into multiple key groups, workstreams and projects locally and regionally.

We have an office base in Newry and our service reach is across the whole SHSCT area for:

  • A hub of Information, signposting and advice about mental health services and community supports
  • Peer-led public awareness raising and education that promotes mental wellbeing and resilience
  • Peer-led supports and interventions addressing low-moderate presentations of emotional distress, including counselling, coaching, and peer support appointments.
  • Peer-led information, public speaking, and education about mental illness and suicide prevention
  • Peer-led capacity building and mentorship programme within SHSCT area, building confidence and skills for coproduction and personal development

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  • Elaine Fogarty