Jan Wright Consulting
Jan Wright Consulting
18 Baroda Street
United Kingdom
Opening Hours
Freelance independent sole trading consultant - no fixed opening hours apply.
Funding,health & social care, employability, independent advice services, community development, housing, criminal justice and prisons. Specific interest in health provision affecting elders.
Jan Wright: CV at July 2017
Email: jfm.wright@btinternet.com Mobile: 07960 969 905
Qualification in Social Welfare Law
Part-time LLB level course included study of the following: the legal system of Northern Ireland; statutory interpretation; jurisprudence; plus specific modules on contributory and non-contributory welfare benefits, housing law, individual and collective labour law, matrimonial law, and the law and children.
M.Sc. in Social Policy, Research and Administration
Master’s degree included detailed study of the ‘politics’ of poverty and the varying perspectives on the role of social welfare/the welfare state; social research methods [quantitative and qualitative]; and stand -alone modules on the Northern Ireland administration of health, housing, and education.
NVQ L3 ‘Roles, Responsibilities and Decision Making on Public Sector Boards’
NIOCN NVQ L3 : ‘Roles, Responsibilities and Decision Making on Public Sector Boards’: 12 week course included 'Nolan' principles of good governance in the NI public sector, effective leadership, collective and consensual decision making, probity re expenditure of public monies.
Overview of employment history
Sept 2015 – March 2016
Housing Rights
Policy/research/evaluation support to CEO
April 2007 – June 2015
Changing Faces
NI Development Manager
Sept 2004 – present
Jan Wright Consulting
Independent research and evaluation consultant/ sole trader
July 2000 – May 2004
Community Fund/Big Lottery
Head of Policy and Research for NI
April 1993 - June 2000
Housing Rights Service
Head of Training and Information
Sept 1985 - March 1993
CJS/ welfare rights co-ordinator
Detailed employment history
Housing Rights www.housingrights.org.uk is a Northern Ireland wide charity providing advocacy representation, information, training and evidence based research and policy comment on all aspects of Northern Ireland housing law and related legal issues.
Duration: Sept 2015 – March 2016 [temporary casual hour contract]
Role: Policy/research/evaluation support to CEO/Director
Duties: Working with legal/casework, PR and Communications directorates, plus service user fora, role included: production of organisation’s response to NI Assembly ‘Houses in Multiple Occupation Bill’ and related support re hearings before the (then) Department for Social Development Housing Committee; preparation of evidence based policy comment materials on critical issues to be addressed by way of ongoing review of NI private rented sector - based on direct NI service user experience and by way of comparison with similar provisions in England, Scotland and Wales legislative provisions previously enacted ; review/evaluation of NIHE funded pilot project aimed at reducing homelessness on discharge from prison plus, as secondary outcome, extent to which the initiative could have potential to contribute to reduction in rates of recidivism; scoping and producing contextual desk research on potential funding opportunities for existing and possible future projects and initiatives; production of comprehensive policy and legislative information resources for legal/related housing professionals, para legal/lay advisers, re how (under current policy and legislative arrangements) to prevent client homelessness and enable sustainment of exiting accommodation.
Changing Faces www.changingfaces.org.uk until June 2015, UK wide charity working for and on behalf of children, young people, adults and their families with direct experience of disfigurement to any part of the face, hands and/or body – from any cause, congenital or acquired.
Duration: April 2007 to June 2015
Role: Northern Ireland Development Manager [25 hrs per wk, home office based].
Duties: Provision of information and advice to service users; developing both user and health professional volunteer champions/ambassadors to promote, via social/mass media, awareness of and support for CF; developing and maintaining effective working relationships with, inter alia, senior consultants/clinicians [e.g. burns, dermatology, plastics and reconstruction, oncology, prosthetics etc] and related health and social care professionals. Of foot of the transfer of the British Red Cross ‘Skin Camouflage Service’ to Changing Faces in Feb 2013, ongoing development of the service locally and management of the network of local specialist volunteer practitioners. Responsibility for lobbying and campaigning activitywith NI Assembly, Executive Ministers, relevant Scrutiny Committees, and statutory agencies e.g. the NI Health and Social Care Board, plus each of the Board Trusts.
Jan Wright Consulting
Duration: Sept 2004 – present
Role: Home office based self- employed freelance consultant
Duties: For the past 13 years I have been working as a self-employed freelance management consultant focusing on evaluation and social research and working principally with voluntary/ charitable organisations. All commissions completed to date have routinely included, inter alia, assessment of external policy environment and project/initiative policy ‘fit’, achievement of funded aims, objectives, outcomes, impact, overall VFM etc, analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data and production of written evidence based conclusions and recommendations. In terms of qualitative analysis, I have specific and extensive experience of obtaining feedback from ‘difficult to reach’ populations [including children, young people and those with communication difficulties such aphasia/dysphasia: please see CV at Appendix 1 for details]. I have also undertaken ancillary work on communication planning/external relationship ‘messaging’. Since 2004 I have successfully tendered for, and completed on time and within budget, over 50 commissions. I also work as a freelance associate with both Williamson Consulting www.williamsonconsulting.co.uk and CENI www.ceni.org (see also CV at Appendix 1]
Big Lottery Fund www.biglottery.org.uk operating as National Lottery Charities Board and thereafter Community Fund. Re-branded with New Opportunities Fund in June 2004 as Big Lottery
Duration: July 2000 to May 2004
Role: Head of Policy and Research for NI
Duties: Responsibility for providing NI specific evidence based research (quantitative and qualitative) to inform UK wide strategic policy objectives, as well as identifying, defining and formulating specific local priorities commensurate with overall programmes of funding; senior/upper level review of (grant team) peer reviewed recommendations for funding; decision making on applicant eligibility to apply for funding (e.g. vires awards could only be made to charitable, philanthropic or benevolent organisations: in June 2000, introduced a ‘triage’ eligibility check process to enable potential applicant organisations to establish whether or not they were eligible to apply for funding in the first instance before completing the full detailed funding application); explaining (orally and in writing) decision making processes and criteria applied to unsuccessful applicants, frequently supported by political representatives; responding to PQs (by way of DCMS, the Fund’s sponsoring Department) and working with colleagues in both Belfast and London communication directorates re ‘lines’ to take on external messaging etc.
Housing Rights [see above]
Duration: April 1993 to June 2000
Role: Head of training and information
Duties: Responsible for identifying/establishing, promoting and growing new income generating directorate providing specialist ‘audience specific’ general/generic and bespoke training on housing law and related legal issues. In this role I was also responsible for ‘quality control’ (including establishing accreditation/CPD points etc) of both training activity as well as all related information support materials e.g. training notes, hand-outs, further reading lists etc. Planned and structured comprehensive new, ‘tiered’ membership scheme for voluntary, statutory and commercial sector (i.e. solicitors /barristers in private practice) agencies to maximise the charity’s income generation by way of sale of services. Role also included management of human, material and financial resources; drafting directorate and team member operational plans; undertaking research and producing evidence based policy/briefing papers to underpin campaigns/lobbying e.g. countering pejorative mass media reporting of lone parent, and young care leaver, access to social housing.
NIACRO www.niacro.co.uk is a Northern Ireland wide voluntary organisation working to reduce crime and its impact on people and communities, with particular focus on children and young people at risk of developing a ‘criminal record’, as well as with offenders, ex-offenders/ex-prisoners and their families.
Duration: Sept 1985 to March 1993
Role: CJS/welfare rights co-ordinator
Duties: Throughout a period of considerable social, political and prison related 'unrest' in NI, supervisory responsibility for colleagues providing advice, information, advocacy and representation casework service on welfare law, prison and criminal justice issues; provision of pre-release 1:1 and seminar advice in each of the (then) four NI adult prisons, and Hydebank Wood YOC. Between April 1986 and March 1990 I provided a dedicated advice, advocacy and representation casework service to prisoners’ families attending Belfast Crown Court and/or whose partner/relative was on remand or serving a sentence at HMP Belfast (Crumlin Road) prison. Between April 1990 and March 1993 I provided legal /welfare rights information and training as part of a team of multidisciplinary professionals (i.e. Probation Officers) to and for relevant voluntary and statutory sector agencies on subjects such as welfare benefits, housing rights, challenging adverse decisions in relation to Prison Rules, and issues associated with Life Sentence Review Board determinations.
Voluntary/pro bono work
I currently contribute my skills, experience and expertise as a volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Research Network www.alzheimers.org.uk/info/20063/patient_and_public_involvement/43/the_research as my mother for whom I cared alone and full time, has now had to enter residential care due to the worsening of her dementia. I routinely use Facebook, Twitter etc, to continue to promote the work of Changing Faces with respect to the charity’s overall work, specific campaigns, and identifying potential policy/lobbying opportunities with relevant NI stakeholders/key interest groups. In terms of grass roots/local community engagement I am both a volunteer with, and Board member of, Ballynafeigh Community Development Association since 2004 and have been Vice Chair since 2012. http://www.communityni.org/organisation/ballynafeigh-community-development-association
List of commissions successfully completed
June – present
Review of ‘social prescribing’ https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/topics/primary-and-community-care/social-prescribing initiatives, particularly in NI, with a view to seeking funding to pilot similar in the Ballynafeigh/south Belfast area
Pro bono, for and on behalf of Ballynafeigh Community Development Association [BCDA] http://ballynafeigh.wix.com/bcda
Sept 2016 –Feb 2017
Qualitative in depth review of member services on foot of which, report outlining key conclusions and recommendations informing 2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Advice NI www.adviceni.net
June – August 2016
Scoping and analysis of potential funding opportunities for [i] continuation funding of pre-existing initiatives and [ii] seed funding for potential development of new ‘innovative’ programmes/areas of work
April – June 2016
Scoping and analysis of potential funding opportunities for [i] continuation funding of pre-existing initiatives and [ii] seed funding for potential development of new ‘innovative’ programmes/areas of work
Housing Rights [HR] http://www.housingrights.org.uk
* Sept 2015 – Mar 16
[Temporary casual hours policy and research work across a 6 month period which included, inter alia, Evaluation of the NIHE funded ‘Beyond the Gate’ pilot]
Housing Rights http://housingrights.org.uk/news/beyond-gate-helping-vulnerable-prisoners-resettle-community
June – August 2015
Economic value of return on funding investment re Northern Ireland voluntary advice sector
As associate, Williamson Consulting
March – April 2015
Evaluation of peer Housing Advice in Prison programme: HMP Maghaberry
Housing Rights http://www.housingadviceni.org/advice-prisoners/support-prison-and-after-release
Jan – Mar 2015
Strategic review of South Belfast advice provision
Oct – Dec 2014
Evaluation/economic appraisal of Willowfield Parish Halls
As associate, Williamson Consulting
March 13 - Dec 14
Evaluation of Alcohol Housing Support Project [for ex-offenders with multiple complex needs]
Extern http://www.extern.org/what-we-do/supporting-communities
Sept 12 - Jan 2013
Evaluation of phase 1 [April 2011 to Sept 2012] of second tranche ESF funding for Extern Recycle [ongoing longitudinal study]
Extern[rebranded as Extern Works] http://www.extern.org/what-we-do/extern-works
April/May 2012
Evaluation of peer ‘ Housing Advice in Prisons’ YOC/female prison HMP Hydebank Wood
Housing Rights
Feb/March 2012
Evaluation of Community Housing Advice Programme [CHAP] User Panel qualitative feedback
Housing Rights http://www.housingrights.org.uk/helping-professionals
Jan – March 12
Evaluation of pilot model for life sentence pre-release prisoners at HMP Maghaberry
Extern Recycle
Dec 2011
Data analysis and staff survey report
Advice NI http://www.adviceni.net
July – Nov 2011
Evaluation of 4 Good Morning services: [North Belfast, West Belfast, ‘RECALL’ and ‘Colin’]
As associate, Williamson Consulting
May - Nov 2011
Preparation of Derry City Council Community Support Plan
As associate, Williamson Consulting http://www.goodmorningni.org
April 2011
Facilitation of focus groups re Regional Strategy for Practice Learning Provision 2010-15
Partnership Care West
April-May 2011
Production of strategic positioning paper re Recycle initiative on foot of evaluation reports [below]
Extern Recycle
Jan – April 2011
Summative evaluation of Yrs1-3 of ESF funded ‘Recycle’ programme
Extern Recycle
Sept – Dec 10
Formative evaluation of Yr 2 of ESF funded ‘programme
Extern Recycle
June 2010
‘Fit for Purpose’: critical review of advice provision in South Belfast
April/May 2010
March 2010
Evaluation of ‘peer’ housing advice in prisons initiative at HMP Maghaberry
Facilitation of Community Housing Advice Project User Panel [e.g. feedback on services etc] and report
Housing Rights
Housing Rights
Jan –March 10
Formative evaluation of Yr 1 ESF funded ‘programme [for life sentence prisoners on pre-release, homeless people and those with substance abuse issues]
Extern Recycle
Jan/Feb 2010
Review of Phase 1 [Oct 09- Jan 10) of Castlereagh Borough Council independent advice service provision contract
Advice NI
Nov/Dec 2009
Consultation and preparation of agreed response to DSD advice sector consultation
South Belfast Independent Advice Working Group [lead agency: BCDA]
September 2009
Facilitation and recording of feedback generated at initial Interdependence Project ‘away days’
May 2009
In depth quantitative and qualitative study of NI ‘specialist’ advice provision
Advice NI
March 2009
Report analysis of ‘Best Value Performance Indicators’ re housing advice provision survey feedback
Housing Rights
Sept/Oct 08
Evaluation of ‘Journeys Outreach’ programme :EU funded initiative to promote skills development of disadvantaged women in urban and rural areas
June/August 2008
Evaluation of ‘DYNAMO’ programme: EU funded initiative to promote skills development of disadvantaged people/groups
June 2008
Part of team evaluating Belfast City Council’s ‘Conflict Transformation Project’
As associate, Williamson Consulting
May/June 2008
Evaluation of peer ‘ Housing Advice in Prisons’ at HMP Magilligan
Housing Rights
Mar/April 08
CHAP User Panel - facilitation and evidence based feedback report
Housing Rights
October - Dec 07
Evaluation of Shopmobility Bangor (accessible transport for those with limited /no mobility).
Shopmobility http://www.shopmobilityni.org
Sept 07- Feb 08
Evaluation of ‘Parent and Child Support’ – a pilot project to provide support for prisoners’ families as a distinct group in their own right, and to engage with others to reduce intergenerational effects of offending behaviour.
NI Association for Care and Resettlement of Offenders [NIACRO] http://www.niacro.co.uk
March -June 07
Evaluation of ‘Reconnect’ – a project for young people excluded from education, disengaged from training and facing barriers to employment due to offending behaviour
Jan - April 07
Evaluation of two joint Oaklee Housing Association /NI Association for Mental Health] projects providing specialist support to enable vulnerable older tenants to maintain their tenancies and independence [Whiterock, Belfast and The Rosses, L’Derry]
Oaklee Housing Association [now Choice Housing https://www.choice-housing.org]
NIAMH http://www.niamhwellbeing.org
Dec 2006
Facilitation of Strategic Planning Review, production of revised Strategic Plan
East Belfast Independent Advice Centre [EBIAC]http://www.ebiac.org
Nov 06- June 08
Formative and summative evaluation of two NIACRO [ESF funded] projects to increase the employability of ex-offenders
As associate , Williamson Consulting
Oct- Nov 06
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of Law Centre NI training provision
Law Centre NI
Sept 06- Mar 09
Formative and summative evaluation of two distinct BIG Lottery funded projects for stroke survivors, and their families, with experience of aphasia/ dysphasia
Speechmatters [now Stroke Association NI]
June- Aug 06
Needs assessment; production of recommendations to identify funding priorities and establish systems and procedures for allocation of Youth Council grant aid
As associate, Williamson Consulting
April 2006
Production of policy and procedural referral documentation re CAPS project [see below, evaluation report]
Jan -March 06
Primary research and analysis of support service needs of prisoners' families in Northern Ireland
January 2006
Review analysis of Advice NI Quality Standards and Systems project
Advice NI
Sept - Dec 05
Evaluation of ‘Child and Parent Support’ [CAPS] project –an early intervention programme providing intensive support services to families whose children [aged 8-12] at risk of anti-social and offending behaviour.
July – Sept 05
Evaluation of NVQ Assessment Centre and related training provision
As Associate, CENI www.ceni.org
July –Aug 05
Summative evaluation of services delivered by Shopmobility Belfast for older people with limited or no mobility
As Associate, CENI
April- July 05
Evaluation NIACRO Mentoring Programme for young people aged 13-18 'at risk'. Initiative also included youth conferencing
As Associate, CENI
March 2005
Editing research report “Balances along the Border” A Gender Audit in NI and the six Southern Border Counties
Women Educating for Transformation
Jan 05 -Dec 05
Monthly mentoring support to Head of Training and Development
Advice NI
Jan/Feb 05
Interim evaluation of Shopmobility Belfast services funded over 3 years by Community Fund [now Big Lottery]
As Associate, CENI
Sept - Dec 2004
Evaluation of Advice NI pilot project providing e-consultation support for independent advice sector members
As Associate, CENI
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- Jan Wright