Invisible Traffick
Invisible Traffick
Berkshire Road
BT23 7ET
United Kingdom
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 5.00pm
Vision: To see the world free from Human Trafficking
Mission: To make everyone in the UK and Ireland aware of Human Trafficking through awareness campaigns, education and bespoke training programmes ensuring the signs are recognised, victims are safeguarded and empowered to speak up.
The work of the organisation is focused on services and activities that will have an impact on freeing people from human trafficking and raising awareness of the cause.
Current services and activities include: -
- Facilitation and development of the Junior Education Programme created for Key stage 1 and 2 primary school children.
- Awareness raising presentations in primary schools.
- Production of resources to support children, teachers and caregivers.
- Facilitation and development of the Journey to Empowerment Programme created for post primary age young people in various community settings including youth groups, sports clubs, after-school clubs and Youth justice centres.
- Training for front line professionals working in transport hubs, hospitals, schools and universities.
- Working in partnership with the Brave Bear Trust, Invisible Traffick NI has sole distribution rights to promote and use the Brave Bear Book and characters.
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Type of Organisation
VCSECompany Number
NI635749NI Charity Number
- Joan Dempster