

9 Heron Avenue
United Kingdom

With the amended Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act on the horizon the issue of safety when working is on everyone’s minds.

In particular physical and verbal abuse when lone working is the fastest growing health and safety concern in the workplace with verbal abuse often being the precursor to violence.

At Guardian24 we provide lone workers with a discreet additional layer of security.

  • It can be accessed through a range of devices from the common mobile phone to the latest GPS/LBS handset.
  • We provide the lone worker with the ability to log details of activities or appointments and if necessary a covert alert can be raised and help summoned through a single key press.
  • Managers can monitor, maintain their account and run reports through our Administration website.

For more information please contact our office on 028 9046 6460 or email [email protected].


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  • Jonathan Lancaster