Greater Whitewell Community Surgery

Greater Whitewell Community Surgery

878 Shore Road
BT36 7DQ
United Kingdom

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Greater Whitewell Community Surgery is a partnership between Greencastle Community Empowerment Partnership and Whitecity Community Development Association supported by the International Fund for Ireland and The Executive Office

GWCS is funded by The International Fund for Ireland to deliver the Peacewalls Programme. The Peace Walls Programme (PWP) was launched in 2012. It is aimed at developing and delivering a range of confidence and relationship building interventions within and between interface communities to help residents reach a position where they feel it is safe and appropriate to proceed with the removal of Peace Walls in their area.

The Programme, which was developed by the Fund following consultation with all key stakeholders, is designed to be the first stage in a process leading to the physical removal of barriers.

The Greater Whitewell Community Surgery puts good relations outcomes at the core of all decision making processes by promoting a singular community ‘WE’, based on the concept of analysing community need through informative and collaborated partnerships that will empower local individuals and groups.

Greater Whitewell Community Surgery's Services

Cross-community Programmes: Greencastle and Whitewell

Greater Whitewell Community Surgery

878 Shore Road, Belfast, BT36 7DQ

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  • Greater Whitewell
  • Mary McCabe